Saturday, March 25, 2006

A weekend in the city... and other ramblings.

Yay! Met some new friends over the weekend...

Meet Boo. Now how can you NOT like this face?
This is Boo, the chunk o burnin' love Bull Mastiff I fell in love with at first sight.
Man, this guy is HUGE.

Too bad Getty's eyes are closed. They're absolutely adorable  open.
And then there's Getty, the adorable Golden Retriever.
Unfortunately the clicks kept him from keeping his eyes open.

Boo and his master (who reminds me of Jim Carrey)
Boo with his master. Didn't get his name but he was nice; somewhat reminded me of Jim Carrey because he was so animated. Plus ofcourse he was cool with our stalking his dog so that's plus points in my book.

Enjoying the sun in Crissy Field
Here we are enjoying the (lately elusive) sun in Crissy Field.
Rain, rain GO AWAY. Please :)

Golden Gate Bridge at back.
Strangers yet friends in Crissy Field. Check out the Golden Gate Bridge at back.

Boats taking advantage of the beautiful weather.
Boats taking advantage of the beautiful weather.

After having met new friends, we hung out with old ones...

Gabbie, Pebs, Jan, Bebs and moi.
The Quilas and Bharwanis at the Roastery in Union Street.
(Now I know what my bad angle is...)

Bebo's godchild, Gabbie
Meet Bebo's godchild, Gabbie and her pet Tamagochi (spell check?).

More pics of our weekend HERE.

I may have bumped into Vanessa Carlton while stalking the dogs (Note to self: move to a pet-friendly apartment on next lease!). I tell you the resemblance was uncanny, except she had those oversized superstar shades on, which MEANS a third of her face was was partly tinted, which REALLY means it probably wasn't her. But then I researched her on the net after and apparently, she resides in both New York AND San Francisco.

So yes, I may have actually met her. Kewl.


Notes worth mentioning:

* MUST WATCH: V for Vendetta by the Wachowski Brothers.

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot...

I was blown away by this film. Absolutely brilliant! Go watch NOW, you will not be disappointed.

* MUST LISTEN: Speak for Yourself by Imogen Heap
(Primary vocalist of the defunct group Frou Frou).

Enjoying a growing fascination for Electronica, and recently acquired Imogen Heap's latest album. The instrumentation is interesting and her voice is something else. Different. I like it. Get a copy, all songs are good. Also look out for Zero 7, and their popular single When it Falls. Great chillout music.


I'm realizing that I'm starting to prefer European music over American. Seems like a sweeping statement, but think about it: Sting, U2, Annie Lennox, Coldplay, Jamie Cullum, Dave Matthews, Peter Gabriel (And did I mention Imogen and Zero 7 are both from the UK?)... Versus what, formulaic Hollywood pop? Can't help but think their music is less cookie cutter (to borrow my husband's favorite term).

Ofcourse there are exceptions to the rule. I've my own list of homegrown faves who are far from the formula. Sarah Mac is an absolute original (although she's not exactly American. hehe). Then there's Shelby Lynne, Tori Amos, Nichole Nordeman, John Mayer...

I just wish mainstream didn't have to be so pop, y'know?

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