Saturday, June 04, 2005

First-hand witness of change.

Early this year I had shared about a bet Bebs made with three other friends to lose 20lbs. after a given time period. They had initially agreed on April 1st as their deadline, but later on extended to June 1st for their own reasons (read: more time, simply put).

Now, I don't know much about the others, but Bebs sure worked hard the past months and seriously took on the challenge of putting his physical disciplines to a test (We're big believers of the truth that if you succeed in conquering your own body--its whims, lusts, and hundred caprices--honey, you can overcome anything). And by golly, let me tell you that these months were far from just being a battle of lost pounds. It was a struggle for sanity, and of life goals. The weight loss was merely the first step to achieving even bigger dreams.

Well, as you know it's two days past the due date, so consider this your Official Results report. The short of it is, one of the four conceded a month before finish line, and another on the day of the official weigh-in. Which ultimately came down to a fight between the Bebster and Raffioli. The good news is, the last men standing finished with a tie (Congrats guys!!!), and earned for themselves the honor and respect of having overcome such a tough discipline for us 21st generation folks. Not to mention glorious new bods, and a sumptious $50 dinner at a restaurant of their choice.

It's definitely not over yet, but let me present to you with pride the fruits of the Bebster's blood, sweat and tears.

Photo taken Jan. 29, 2005

Photo taken June 1, 2005

I am definitely one proud momma. :)

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