Friday, January 21, 2005

Work and diet: four-letter words.

Shucks, I've been so busy with work I haven't had time to do anything!

No new pictures
no interesting restos
no gimmicks
no videos
no nothing.

The upside to it all is that despite the hectic sched, I've been faithful with my gym-ing the past two weeks. Woohoo! Definitely an accomplishment since I haven't worked out the past two months. hwe hwe hwe.

But I've decided to ride along Bebs' weightloss bet with the two Rafs (Raffy E. and Raffy L.) and Edward. Y'see, we all came back from Vegas and realized how grossly we had used the holidays as an excuse to over-eat. So, (ironically) over a delicious Thai meal on our last day in LA, the boys made a bet to lose 20pounds by end of April, or else--

Loser buys everyone an expensive dinner.

Since then Bebs has been in and out of the gym and the sauna like they were the place to be. And sadly (for me), all I see in the fridge now are way too many greens and veggies... Although I've got my own stash of Pringles and truffles when the need to cheat arises. hehe.

Now, I don't intend on losing all of 20 like the guys, but I have resolved to shed off another five pounds and get toned for summer. It's a goal I promise to achieve in the next four months, and by golly I'm gonna make it!
...with the Pringles and truffles, thank you.

Meanwhile, I better do SOMETHING other than work and chores this week or I'm gonna be a cranky old fart. Have a great weekend everyone!

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