Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Busy and sick. sniff.

Yep, that about sums up my world the past week.

In detail,

During the day am forever glued afront the office pc to finalize a five-state roadshow we're having end of April. If you've ever done events, details are crucial and can make or break the project. And details are what's killing me right now. Meanwhile, calls are nonstop and 5,000 other errands still need attending to. (Btw, I'm not complaining ;)

After work, a quick stop at the gym for some high-impact, stress relieving TKB with our diva instructor who reminds me of just Jack! from Will & Grace. Man, he's hilarious.

Then I head home sweat-drenched, yet totally invigorated, to work on a video editing project I'm doing for an awesome floral designer.

Somewhere along this insane sched you stick in quality couple time, two birthday dinners, Easter rehearsals, a party, luncheon, driving practice (or a semblance of it) and some personal reflection.

Then holy week passes by and my health calls for a timeout.

My throat is now extremely scratched and my voice so hoarse, I'm starting to worry about how I sound on the phone. Hopefully my clients don't think I'm sleeping on the job, which gratefully I have never been guilty of since I came on board.

Despite all this, life goes on. Am foreseeing an even busier work sched the next few weeks, but I do hope I make the constant effort not to disregard the more important matters... God, marriage, relationships, the quest for Life...

Tricky. You'd think you were already living it.

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