Soon as I moved blog sites ten months ago, I found myself more and more lazy to update it. Well friends, here I am, returning from the silence and attempting to bridge the gap between September 2007 and July 2008. In situations like this, I find that the bullet point is always the quickest and easiest cataloging device (read: tamad! haha), so here goes.
In a nutshell:
- What was initially a three-month vacation to the Philippines turned into six, then a year--and counting... until one day, Bebs and I looked at each other and knew in our hearts we were meant to stay. Vancouver will still be in the future, but for now, Manila is home.
- Soon after the all-important decision, we moved into a cottage guest house of sorts in the lovely village of Ayala Alabang. It was the first place we looked at, and we were instantly smitten. Living quarters and vacation house rolled into one. Awesome.
- Residence down, mode of transport next. We acquired a promising low-mileage second-hand pick-up--shiny and looked almost brand spanking new. It was diesel, and automatic--what else could you ask for? Let me tell you, the degree of comfort we experienced in our charming new home was proportionate to the amount of hell and headache we faced--correction: still face--with the truck. Sigh. Life can't all be perfect.
- Always the workaholic, I got me a job even before I even knew we were staying. My current employment was also one of the main reasons we decided to work it out in the homeland. At long last, I am in a job that marries my college education and my eight years of marketing & communications experience. The opportunities for growth are daunting, and yet worth getting both hands and feet dirty. I have never been so excited about work.
- As if a career wasn't enough, I am also back in school. Yes. Writing a screenplay and it is unfolding ever so slowly. Loving my new thesis adviser, though. Would be unfair to divulge his identity as he has no knowledge of this blog, but let me just say that for my personality, crazy work sched and erratic communication habits, he is just the mentor that I absolutely need to get this much delayed stage of my life over and done with. In another life and on a more level playing field, I think we could actually be very good friends.
- Ministry. Ah, yes. The feeble attempt of flawed humans at expressing their faith towards a BIG majestic God. Most days we hope it actually counts for something. And sometimes, in His grace and mercy--and definitely not of our doing--He shows up in spite of us, and makes those feeble attempts worth something. This is one such case. Eight months, and still counting. :) And hey, if you're ever in Fully Booked - High Street on a Wednesday night, do come by and join us. We have good music and donuts (Thank you, Krispy Kreme!) And we do not bite.
And finally,
- After almost six years of wedded bliss, we have decided to try for a baby next year. It is by far the scariest decision I have ever had to make.
As you can see, all guns are blazing in this season of our lives. What can I say, I'm getting old. There is no other way to go, if you think about it.
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