Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ode to Juancho.

Okay, these pictures are WAY overdue.

Let me just say that the beginnings of March seemed to me like one seamless party after party (after crazy party!), all in celebration of JJ's big THREE-OH.

And rightly so; the guy is everybody's leading man. I can't think of anyone who deserves three birthday bashes. We're talking about the man who looks after everyone else, and will go so far as to make sure his friends have their futures in order.

So, to our then disconsolate Bestman (hehe), our brother and dear friend, we're glad you had the 30th birthday you hoped for, and then some. We love you bro. And we Juan Cho! Hahaha.

Click on each photo to view entire album.

JJ's surprise party (complete with tears!).

Party bus, baby!

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