Thursday, December 22, 2005

Some days...

Overheard from a teenager on our walk back to the car from Albertson's:

"Oh wow, this is so awesome. I can already smell Christmas!"

That was two weeks ago. In the dimly lit car lot, she could actually smell Christmas. Amazing. You should have seen her too. Despite the dark, I could clearly make out the smile on her face. It was such a genuine excitement, and I felt so envious.

I wasn't in such a joyous mood that day due to an unpleasant incident at work, but the girl's remark kinda hit me. It's funny how feeling the Season was so much easier when you were younger, and so elusive as you actually got older. So many aspects to it, really. For one thing, feeling isn't so much the point any more when you're an adult, especially when you've come to understand the real Reason for it all. The holidays now extend beyond mere tinsel and lights and big presents.

Honestly though, some days I seriously feel like life would be so much simpler if our senses just sparked the emotion and have that be enough. Just like when we were kids. We see the Christmas tree and the colorful decor, and automatically it triggers some "happy signal" and we're instantly excited. That's all it seemed to take. You see the sights, and you feel Christmas.

I wonder how life would be like if we remained that way... Living life with no expectations from you, no obligation to dig deeper, and no urgency in making life count. Just excitement and happiness based on what is seen and what is told us.

Honest questions I'll never know the answers to. What I do know is that this adult life needs working at, and that there is no stopping till.

...I do wish we could take a breather from the toiling every now and then.

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