Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Resolutions are good.

Document life. Take more pictures.

I've taken this personal resolution to heart, so since the start of the year I have been clicking away at just about anything. Life is short! There's a strange urgency to document 2005, so doggone it I'm filling up my picture database this year... and well, hone my skills while doing so.

Speaking of which, I got a call for a photo shoot last week from one of them Pinoy broadcast media moguls. Unfortunately the deal fell through, and though I was a little disappointed, I have resolved to be better at this craft so that I can eventually command my own rates. Ah yes, (shakes fist) the day will come when I will actually be paid good money to do something I love.
Relax... take more vacations... enjoy life.

In keeping with the aforementioned resolution and the new one directly above, we visited Vi Sattui in Napa last week for some wine and cheese. Check out ze pics.

Will post more pics in my next entries, so keep watch ;)

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